A title called Fallout: New Vegas was released earlier this week. As you can probably tell, it takes place in and around Las Vegas. Not Las Vegas as we know it though, a post-apocalyptic Las Vegas. The Fallout series is based on a post-apocalyptic world.
I only have about 12 hours invested in the game so far, but I am enjoying the game so far. It does not feel as fun and complete as Fallout 3 did (another great game by the way). The game looks great, if your machine can handle it. Even on amazing machines, you may get horrible amounts of lag constantly. Fallout 3 had the problem of crashing a log, this one has the problem of lagging a lot. You may get lucky and have a setup that is not vulnerable to large amounts of lag.
The voice acting is quite good, but not amazing. The dialogue from some people in the game is quite hilarious. Finding a lot of the funny characters in the world is an adventure in itself. Since this is Fallout, the main path of the story does not lead you to everything you can possibly do. You will have to do some old-fashioned exploring to uncover all of the hidden gems in the world.
I recommend this game if you enjoy a good FPS with a lot of adventuring on your own. Steam is required to play this game.
One of my favorite aspects of the game is the realism of the game and the detail they put into the environment. I have seen freeways sign in the exactly place with the correct names as they are in real life. It is much more than an expansion.